Thursday, August 11, 2011

Script to Change the db owner of all databases

I was in need of a script to change the owner of all the database in a server. I checked in the internet but couldnt find any thing so I made this by myself :)

DECLARE curDBNames CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR  SELECT name FROM sys.databases where
name NOT IN('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb','resource') and state = 0
DECLARE @dbName as varchar(1000)
DECLARE @Sql as varchar(1000)
declare @dbOwnerName as varchar(100)
set @dbOwnerName = 'sa'
OPEN curDBNames
      --PRINT @@ROWCOUNT           
      FETCH NEXT FROM curDBNames INTO @dbName
            set @Sql = 'use [' + @dbName + ']'
        exec (@Sql)                      
        set @Sql = 'sp_changedbowner ' + @dbOwnerName
        exec (@Sql)
            FETCH NEXT FROM curDBNames INTO @dbName
      CLOSE curDBNames
      DEALLOCATE curDBNames
Hope you like the script. Let me know if something doesnt work. As usual pls double check before you try this in your production environment.

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