Friday, January 01, 2010

Attaching DB with multiple files with out log file

okey its time to blog again after a long time. Thanks for all the folks who have been visiting my blogs even it has got no updates.

I had a weired situation in which one of our servers had a blue screen death following with a OS and disk corruption.So I lost a couple of my log files. Now I got to bring back the database with no backups in place.

I tried single attach file db and it wont work as my database is having multiple files. The veeresh found out a alternate solution as stated in the following link. Hope it will help a little bit. This wont work in SQL 2005 as you cannot update system tables.

It wont look good to end a post with out my usual promise I will try to blog more :).. Have fun, Happy Administration. Wishing you all an Incident Free Happy New year..

With Smiles